Quick report back from the fantastic response we got on Friday. Myself and Bob Doris MSP went along with Alex Salmond and David Kerr to visit Alive and Kicking, a group based in Red Road who provide so much for retired folk in Barmulloch, Springburn and wider afield. Alex got a rapturous response from the group of 70 folk in the hall about to have their Hallowe'en Party. And something that tells me we're doing really well in this by-election is that David Kerr also got an enthusiastic round of applause and more than a few cheers. This was from older working class folk who will traditionally have voted Labour but they were extremely welcoming to David. It's a good sign. We had a fantastic time. We went upstairs to listen to the singing group rehearse for their forthcoming concert and they asked Alex for a song. He duly obliged and in no time there was a big group of us gathered round the piano singing "The Bonnie Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond" - as one of the women said to me as we were leaving "that was just priceless"!
Anne McLaughlin